- On Anonymity:
Coming from a big city, Barcelona, trying constantly making myself space between all the rest of the people are trying exactly the same as me... Finding an audience to to come to see ME, potential clients, ...

2011 September 11th, Avinyó.
Walk from St. Feliu Sasserra to Prats del Lluçanès. 2011 August 17th.
It’s been a long, long day, we’ve been walking since dawn with a few short stops here and there, it’s dusk and we still don’t feel too anxious about the coming dark, we know there will be a full moon tonight. I hold your hand and finally connect with myself again, we start a dance through an ancient path, where many walked before us, sharing the weight stretching our tired bodies and laugh, laugh because we know that this is what we came here to do. This is where we wanted to be. Where our breath is free, our blood is flowing; our sight is magically adjusting to the waning light and our ears are tuned to this night’s exploding symphony of dark.
This morning we passed Rusky´s stone piles and now in the waning light they are taking a whole new dimension for me, suddenly these empty marks receive a certain life, my imagination adds eyes and the stones turn to look ahead, marking our path. I think of the ancients that walked here and feel their paganism turning back to look at me. I see why certain spots have legends and certain spots are holy. How simple rocks can turn into fat man who sit and how everything revolves around our senses.
13th August 2011 (from Avinyó to St. Feliu Sasserra)
- Experience nº 1 / eyes closed:
11th August 2011 (Avinyó)
- Walk to "Torre dels Soldats": 9th August 2011
- About crossing physical limits and getting high on endorphines:
6th and 7th of August 2011: From Avinyó to Moià (24km and 12 hours) + XXXI Popular Walk around Moianès (16km and 3 hours).

2nd August 2011
- Getting lost going to Balsareny from Avinyó:

2nd August 2011
- Walk from AVINYÓ to MANRESA: 30 july 2011
- 5 days solo walk from Montserrat to Vic, while reading "Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior" by Chögyam Trungpa
Camí espiritual (Spiritual path)
Una meditació caminada
per la comarca “terra de ningú”.
Un temps d’observar en silenci,
una aventura amb mi mateixa,
un parar la ment,
un deixar-me anar,
un conèixer a peu llocs desconeguts del meu territori.
La meva ignorància em fa arribar a un lloc imprevist
on prenc consciència del perill,
m’assec al seu davant a respirar.
Em trobo llavors el meu bastó màgic
i deixo que m’acompanyi
pels cementiris i per les fonts.
Em penso que faré tard,
i gairebé no hi arribo.
Decideixo no seguir endavant
i és llavors quan les senyals comencen a venir...
i jo començo a gaudir...
Camino i respiro
Sento els meus peus,
confio en mi mateixa.
Sento el meu pes baixant cap a la terra,
confio en la gravetat.
Re torno al meu cos.
Cada pas és una dansa.
Avui les segueixo sense dubitació.
Avui aprenc a reposar.
Avui el temps el creo jo. © Helena Pellisé august 2010.
- About dancing in the city:
Supermarket Dance
Stripart Festival, Barcelona